
[Kres] Kinky Corner♥Kinky
-Corner & Toys,Pg+Adult Version!♥

[Kres] Babydoll Bed
- PG or an Adult version,the adult version has Aeros, LoveBridge physics cock and V, as well as It's Not Mine compatibility
- including a cleaning menu after getting messy with It's not Mine!♥

[Kres] Sexy Safe
-It's a functional safe, you need the passcode to open it and see the goodies it's hiding.
An empty version of the naughty version is included.
-includes a HUD to mix/match 10 special textures and 18 colours!♥

[Kres] Cheeky Cushion
-includes a hud to mix/match between 11 designs & 18 cushion colours!♥

[Kres] Hangry Rugs

Xplicit Soft Toy
-Original Mesh Design and Textures
-44 High Quality Animations
-Texture Menu
-Solo and couples
-PG animations only
-Sits 2 People
-Free lifetime updates!♥

Xplicit Frame (standalone)
-Quality animations
-Get cuffs via menu
-Rezzed chain particles when cuffs are worn for all female poses
-Face Animations
-Realistic textures
-Quality build RLV
-Touch poseball to capture
-Main menu restricted if
captured and locked
-Force strip & force detach
prim attachment
-Timer for locked capture
-Recapture if logged out
whilst locked!♥

BLUSH - Kawaii Penis Plush(so cuteeeeeeeee!♥)♥Kinky
-Animesh And Wearable for Genx,Erika,Kupra,Legacy,Maitreya,Reborn,Star Mesh Body!♥

BLUSH [Backdrop - Good Vibes Only]
